AmeriFlux Management Project
AmeriFlux is a network of more than 400 sites in the Western Hemisphere and thousands of scientists that measure and research
carbon, water and energy
The largest flows of carbon between the land and atmosphere are from
ecosystem photosynthesis and
and have profound impacts on climate and atmospheric composition.
Keywords | carbon, flux, photosynthesis, respiration |
TYPE | Project |
Principal Investigator (PI)
Margaret Torn
Lead Institution
Other Collaborators
Harvard University
Indiana University
Ohio State University
Oregon State University
Texas A&M University
UC Berkeley
USDA Agricultural Research Service
USDA Forest Service
University of Colorado
University of Minnesota
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of New Mexico
University of Wisconsin

Panorama view from a flux tower installation, comparing before and after a fire at US-Me2. Capture date: 2020 Location: Oregon. (Image credit: Chad Hanson)
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