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July 28, 2024 August 9, 2024
Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing
This year marks the 12th Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC). ATPESC provides intensive, two-week training on the key skills, approaches, and tools to design, implement, and execute computational science and engineering applications on current high-end computing systems and the leadership-class computing systems of the future.
August 2, 2024
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit
The 2024 WIE ILS seeks to empower women researchers, engineers, students, leaders, innovators, and others with actionable tools and strategies for leadership and career development, collaboration, and networking. This event is not just limited to women. Everyone is invited to join us for an inspiring day focused on inclusion, leadership, mentorship, and more!
August 4, 2024 August 9, 2024
2024 ACEEE Summer Study in Energy Efficiency
The 2024 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings is the 23rd biennial event. Summer Study will bring together professionals from around the globe to the Asilomar Conference Grounds to collaborate, debate and advance the technologies, practices and research necessary to equitably decarbonize the building sector in a manner that addresses the urgency of the climate crisis.
August 4, 2024 August 9, 2024
Ecological Society of America 2024
Join the ESS community at this year’s Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting in Long Beach, Calif., on August 4–9. Visit the DOE Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program at Booth 228 for up-to-date information about ESS research projects, funding opportunities, awards, and workshops.
August 5, 2024 August 8, 2024
Virginia Tech & C2QA QIS & Engineering High School-Level Summer Program
Virginia Tech, in collaboration with C2QA offers a four-day virtual summer school program for students to explore the basic principles that underlie quantum technologies and gain an appreciation for the novel capabilities unlocked by quantum mechanics. The program, running from August 5–8, 2024, will be conducted via Zoom web conferencing. There is no fee to participate. Educators are welcome to attend.
August 6, 2024 August 9, 2024
EESM PI Meeting 2024
The Department of Energy's Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM) Program will hold its annual Principal Investigators Meeting in-person at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Rockville, Maryland.
August 6, 2024
Community College Internships (CCI) Workshop
Learn strategies to submit a compliant and competitive application and get answers to your questions. Registration is required to attend the workshop.
August 8, 2024
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) Workshop
Learn strategies to submit a compliant and competitive application and get answers to your questions. Registration is required to attend the workshop.
August 12, 2024 August 15, 2024
C2QA QIS 303: Quantum Error Mitigation
Quantum information science (QIS) experts discuss quantum error mitigation through a series of lectures and seminars. Organized by C2QA principal investigators and Stony Brook University professors Dmitri Kharzeev and Tzu-Chieh Wei, this summer program is designed for advanced undergraduate students, beginning graduate students, postdocs, and other quantum practitioners. The program is free and open to the public. The program runs from August 12–15, 2024 and will be conducted via Zoom web conferencing.
August 12, 2024 August 13, 2024
Integrated Chemical Imaging Workshop
The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) is holding a workshop focused on chemical imaging of biogeochemical processes. This workshop focuses on how to integrate microstructural and microscale chemical information using multiple techniques, and implementing such data in Earth System model development. The session will discuss challenges related to data extraction, classification, and operability, with the aim of correlating and scaling data for database and modeling applications.
August 13, 2024
RemPlex Seminar: Workforce Development in the Environmental Remediation Field
The Center for the Remediation of Complex Sites (RemPlex) presents “Workforce Development in the Environmental Remediation Field” on August 13, 2024, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Pacific time. The seminar is jointly hosted with the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Network of Environmental Remediation and NORM Management (ENVIRONET). Registration is free and open to the public. Register in advance on Zoom.
August 14, 2024
U.S. Drought Monitor Informational Webinar
Learn about the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM), the process behind it and how you can be part of it, by attending this August 14 virtual workshop. During the workshop, participants will learn more about the USDM process, how you can contribute, what programs the USDM triggers, and how state assessment teams can coordinate input to the USDM authors. You will also have a chance to ask questions and provide feedback to USDM authors.