Broadband and Longwave Radiometer Mentorship for ARM
The Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (SRRL) at the National
Renewable Energy
Laboratory provides leadership for the ARM Facility’s solar radiation measurements. Using state of the art instrumentation, quality assessments and control methods, the goal is to ensure that the highest-quality solar radiation measurements are continuously available from all ARM deployments.
Keywords | Broadband Radiometer Station (BRS), broadbank outdoor calibration, downwelling longwave radiation, downwelling shortwave radiation, Ground Radiation (GNDRAD), International Pyrheliometer Comparison, NREL Pyrheliometer Comparison, pyranometers, pyrgeometers, pyrheliometers, Sky Radiation (SKYRAD), Solar Infrared Radiation Station (SIRS), upwelling longwave radiation, upwelling shortwave radiation |
TYPE | ARM Operations |
Pyranometers (Kipp & Zonen model CM-21 in the foreground and Eppley model PSP) at the Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (SRRL). Golden, Colorado. (Image credit: Thomas Stoffel, NREL)