Stereo Photogrammetry of Clouds at the ARM Sites
This project aims to understand the behavior of warm, moist air using stereophotogrammetry (an estimate of the 3D coordinates of points on an object), instruments at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement sites, and turbulence simulations of observations. Stereo cameras are used to characterize the sizes, speeds, circulations, and ascent distances of individual convective bubbles through their life cycle. These data on cloud life cycles are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain with other ARM instruments.
Keywords | moist convection, stereo photogrammetry |
TYPE | Project |
Stereo camera ring of three camera pairs at the SGP Central Facility site is shown on the map. The cameras of each pair are separated by ~600 m from each other. The common field of view of all cameras cover approximately 6 km by 6 km region around the CF. The pictures show frames taken by each camera at the same time on August 31, 2017 at 18:00 UTC. (Image credit: Wyatt Stout)