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Atmospheric Regimes and Drivers of Cloud Variability and Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions Over the Coastal Northeast Pacific

Active Dates 9/1/2023-8/31/2026
Program Area Atmospheric System Research
Project Description
Atmospheric regimes and drivers of cloud variability and aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions over the coastal northeast Pacific

William L. Smith Jr. (NASA LaRC) and David Painemal (AMA/NASA LaRC)

Marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds have been a topic of active research during past decades owing to their central role in the Earth’s energy budget and challenges in realistically simulating them in climate models. While significant advances have been achieved in identifying large-scale meteorological drivers and boundary layer processes that regulate the MBL cloud evolution, the response of aerosol-cloud interactions to changes in the local atmospheric conditions are poorly understood. This impedes the ability to isolate the cloud response due to aerosol perturbations from those attributed to meteorological variability. Moreover, the intrinsic difficulty of isolating cloud dynamics and aerosol indirect effects is further hampered by the lack of long-term observations suitable for statistical analysis.

The northeast Pacific is a region of interest for the study of aerosol-cloud interactions (ACI) due to the presence of a semipermanent stratocumulus cloud deck that gives rise to a regional enhancement of albedo. this region features relatively high droplet number concentrations, which is likely attributed to ACI, as continental aerosols are transported to the adjacent ocean. The Eastern Pacific Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (EPCAPE), which primarily consists of the deployment of the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF1) on the Scripps Pier in La Jolla CA, will provide valuable observations to fill gaps in our current understanding of MBL clouds and their interaction with continental pollution. We propose to investigate aerosol, cloud, and radiation interactions in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. More specifically, we endeavor to analyze the meteorological control on stratocumulus clouds, aerosols, and their interactions using ground-based observations being collected during EPCAPE. We hypothesize that a) aerosol-cloud interactions can be better isolated by constraining their study to specific meteorological regimes and that b) differing magnitudes of aerosol-cloud microphysics co-variability for specific synoptic and mesoscale regimes are the manifestation of the control of atmospheric circulation, static stability, and cloud-top entrainment. In addition, satellite geostationary retrievals from GOES-West and atmospheric reanalysis will be applied to provide the regional-scale context that will help interpret the ARM observations. Specific objectives of this proposal are to:

1. Characterize the synoptic regimes during the EPCAPE seasonal deployments using an unsupervised neural network method (Kohonen’s self-organizing map) applied to sea level pressure, geopotential height, and wind fields. Define regional modes of variability in the satellite cloud observations based on the unsupervised clustering.
2. Analyze aerosol and cloud variability from the EPCAPE site as a function of atmospheric regimes and boundary layer properties.
3. Compute metrics of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions with the use of EPCAPE observations: aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei concentration, and cloud microphysics from ground-based remote sensors. Compute the cloud susceptibility to changes in shortwave radiative fluxes due to aerosol perturbations with the use of ground-based broadband radiometers and radiative flux calculations.
4. Evaluate the impact of the cloud diurnal cycle in aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions. Examine the role of turbulence, cloud top entrainment, and boundary layer coupling in the cloud microphysical and macrophysical response.
Award Recipient(s)
  • NASA Langley Research Center (PI: Smith, William)