Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee Collaborations Website Support
Active Dates | 8/15/2023-7/14/2024 |
Program Area | Earth & Environmental Systems Modeling |
Project Description
The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) promotes and facilitates scientific collaboration among U.S. and international climate and
Earth science
communities. Eighteen federal entities that support research in the Arctic, including the Department of Energy (DOE), are members of IARPC. Through IARPC, these agencies collaborate on key research topics ranging from the health and well-being of Arctic residents to observational frameworks and model integration at regional and global scales. IARPC Collaborations ( is a web-based platform that connects federal government researchers, non-federal researchers, and other stakeholders – including those overseas – to work together on pressing Arctic research issues. It is organized around the five-year Arctic Research Plan. IARPC Collaborations is free and open to anyone who can contribute, regardless of their role in Arctic research. Since its inception, the website has supported an unprecedented degree of interagency communication, coordination, and collaboration that has advanced Arctic science. The IARPC Collaborations member space includes more than 3,500 members of the Arctic research community, including those from federal, state, academic, non-profit, industry, Indigenous, and international organizations. The proposed activity will enable (1) implementation of new capabilities to the website to support the biennial implementation plan for the new Arctic Research Plan 2022-2026; (2) ongoing maintenance and enhancements; (3) hosting of the website via Amazon Webservices. Continued support of the IARPC Collaborations platform is needed for evaluating and communicating the investment of the DOE and other federal agencies in the Arctic, and for supporting collaborations across agencies, regions, disciplines, career stages, and knowledge systems.
Award Recipient(s)
- National Science Foundation (PI: Strawhacker, Colleen)