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U.S. Global Change Research Program

Active Dates 7/15/2021-7/14/2026
Program Area Earth & Environmental Systems Modeling
Project Description
The requested funds will provide partial support for activities of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The funds being provided to NASA are part of a long-term commitment and requirement for federal agencies engaged in climate research to provide partial support for activities of the USGCRP.

The USGCRP serves program-wide coordination of activities across 13 Federal agencies and DOE support for the USGCRP provides both the context and environment in which DOE can leverage its research investments.

Funding supports the operation of the USCRP office and staff, the development of interagency processes and products such as Interagency Working Groups and the Strategic Plan of the USGCRP, preparation of interagency federally mandated reports and assessments, scientific workshops and meetings, support for special studies of the National Research Council, and strategically important international research collaborations.
Award Recipient(s)
  • NASA - Headquarters (PI: Macaulay, Claire)