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River Corridor SFA: River Corridor Hydrobiogeochemistry from Reaction to Basin Scale

The River Corridor Scientific Focus Area works to improve understanding of the changes in space and time on the hydrobiogeochemical functions of river corridors, from molecular reaction to watershed and basin scales. We use the knowledge we gain to improve representation of river corridor processes, and their response to disturbances, in multiscale models of integrated hydrobiogeochemical function.
Keywords AI/ML, biogeochemistry, crowdsourced data, groundwater, hydrology, microbial ecology, model-data integration, modeling, multiscale, organic matter, pyrogenic organic matter, respiration, rivers, watershed, WHONDRS, wildfire
TYPE Scientific Focus Area
Principal Investigator (PI)
Tim Scheibe
Lead Institution
Other Collaborators
Colorado State University Oregon State University U. S. Geological Survey University of Montana University of Nebraska Lincoln Washington State University
For more information